Quality of Life is a function of Motivation and Incentives operating to enhance the human capacity to achieve a state of thriving and livelihood. Motivation is described by two drive systems, hunger and sex. Besides its critical role in the survival of the human species, the Sexual Drive System is intrinsically related to emotions, friendships, marriages, aesthetic interests, creativity and productivity. And, It has huge implications for human quality of life.

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Need for Dialogue

The need for a discussion on the Human Sexual Drive System is directly related to the maladaptive sexual habits that result in a decline in sexual satisfaction affecting the rate of pair bond conflicts such as divorce and overall productivity and health. The incremental decline in sexual health is manifested in lower self-esteem, frustration, coping habits that result in weight gain, changes in social behaviors and many other symptoms. In social bonding behavior, such as friendships and marriages, the hysteria of impulse driven sexual activities clouds both judgment and the decision processes that are correlated with broken families. Children are often by products of the damage caused by pair bonds forged in the heat of poor sexual decisions reinforced by reckless and irrational sexual norms such as conditioned taboos and inhibitions that suppress natural and healthy sexual responses.

The discussion of Sexual Drive in humans will be a comparison of humans in an unaffected, evolutionary driven circumstance that operationally defines the ideal versus the changes that distorted human sexuality that characterize contemporary societies. Starting with a description of the ideal human sexual drive behavior, a standard that describes the sexual profile of a person fully without influence of arbitrary sexual dogma and counter intuitive indoctrination.

The authentic functioning sexual human is a product of evolutionary forces that were threatened when structured societies delegating control over reproductive rights began deleterious changes in human sexual conduct resulting in sex becoming a metaphorical construct of property. Early Religions and powerful leaders mandated harsh consequences for deviations from sexual expectations. Over the last 10,000 years of social change, the result has produced extreme sexual maladaptation especially in the process of critical life sustaining decisions regarding the hierarchy of pair bonding and the role of sexual behavior in friendships.

Quality of Life Celebration for Sexual Health

Need for Training Sex Fitness Trainers

The need for Sexual Fitness training is directly related to the maladaptive sexual habits that result in a decline in sexual satisfaction affecting the rate of pair bond conflicts such as divorce and overall productivity and health. The incremental decline in sexual health is manifested in lower self-esteem, frustration, coping habits that result in weight gain, changes in social behaviors and many other symptoms. In social bonding behavior, such as friendships and marriages, the hysteria of impulse driven sexual activities clouds judgment and the decision processes that are correlated with broken families. Children are often byproducts of the damage caused by pair bonds forged in the heat of poor sexual decisions reinforced by reckless and irrational sexual norms such as conditioned taboos and inhibitions that suppress natural and healthy sexual responses.

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Sex is about Health, not Morality